

The Parish of Holy Trinity Frogmore is committed to the highest standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people, victims or perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. 

The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website link

In particular, the Church of England's national guidelines entitled 'Promoting a Safer Church' can be found here.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Ruth Ward who can be contacted at Tel: 01727 872667 or

Diocese Contacts:

Jez Hirst - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Tel - 01727 818107 or 07867 350886 

Dave Adams - Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Tel - 01727 818104 or 07469 351357

Warren Lucas - Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Tel - 01727 818106 or 07311 310545


Children’s Services:  Hertfordshire: 0300 1234043 

Adult Health and Social Care Services: Hertfordshire: 0300 1234042 

Police 101, Emergency 999

Holy Trinity Church, 37 Frogmore, Park Street, St Albans, AL2 2JU
